Themes and Plans for April
Themes & Plans for April April brings Pesach ... And April also brings us (at long, long last), the first true days of spring: mild, soft and alive with sound and color. Nature is finally shrugging off its winter shawl, and showering us with its warm and friendly welcome. It feels so good to open the windows again, and to leave the house with just a sweater - or none at all! I have been trying to introduce more nature study into our lives now that Froggy is able to particpate better and our plans reflect it. There are many, many joys to explore with our children this month, and what follows is but a sampling, just my own thoughts for the season. As always, I'd love to hear yours! But for now, please join me as I consider ... ~ Themes and Plans for April ~ Nature Tulips start to bloom. Skunk cabbage grows in marshy areas. Bears are waking in the (deep) woods. Cherry blossoms everywhere. The skies are gray one minute, blue the next ... ... and so rain...