PJ Library
I just got our renewal notice in the mail for PJ Library . Sometimes deciding whether or not to renew a subscription is a difficult choice. Not with PJ Library. Anyone who is a long time reader of this blog has heard me sing the praises of the various books as they have arrived. Each book individually is (generally) a treasure. Have a wonderful surprise come in the mail for your child each month without you planning anything is a treasure. Building a library of Jewish stories is priceless. I remember reading All of A Kind Family in third grade. While it is a quality book and should be loved for that reason alone, what made it so special and wonderful for me was that it was about Jewish children. I at already eight years of age and living in a significantly Jewish neighborhood had never before encountered Jewish literature. I am thrilled beyond thrilled that Froggy at only five and not even living in a Jewish neighborhood has already a signi...