Guided Reflection Protocol

What implications does the GRP have for your practice and your continuing development as reflective educators?

A step by step protocol for reflection is extremely helpful. A concrete guideline is useful for linear thinkers. The group dynamic makes the process tricky for me. Many of the problems I encounter and reflective moments are not times I am looking for external analysis. For those times when one wants or needs external analysis, the protocol is an effective method of ensuring that an action plan is created and that the reflection leads somewhere rather than being an opportunity to vent. It is not clear how the step 4 of Part One (What are the implications for my practice) is supposed to differ from Part Two (Possible Future Action).

Although the protocol is designed to be used in a group setting, it is possible to use it as a solitary individual and accomplish the same objective. It offers a framework and a guideline which can be useful. Instead of getting lost in the problem and spinning in circles , the framework provides a mechanism to document the problem and move forward.

The key to reflection is to make it useful. The possible future action section of the protocol ensures that a dedicated user of the protocol, be it group or individual makes the reflection useful.


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