Tu B'Shevat Celebration

Happy Tu B'Shevat to all. We are enjoying the holiday. This is the first holiday that I really feel Froggy is getting a sense of the meaning not just the rote rituals involved. Our Learning board may have something to do with that. Too soon to tell.

We have been really talking up the holiday and preparing for it with our learning board and stories. Last night, we did a Tu B'Shevat seder which was fun but not the hit I had hoped. We had friends over and used our holiday dishes. Everyone enjoyed sampling the fruits but the little ones were too focused on drinking the wine(juice - a rare and special treat) to get any real meaning out of it. For dessert, we had birthday cake with candles and sang Happy Birthday to the trees. Everyone blew out the candles since the trees couldn't. I will keep the idea and continue each year adding more pieces and details. Hopefully the meaning will grow.

Today to continue the celebration, we planted seeds instead of a tree. I had wanted to string popcorn to go hang on our special tree but the toddler-safe wooden needle I got demolished the popcorn rather than threaded it. I have never threaded popcorn before but it sounded like a good idea. Thats ok. Froggy and her friend had fun eating the popcorn.


  1. Thanks for your comment on heebnvegan.

    All your Tu B'Shevat coverage is great! Happy belated Tu B'Shevat. :-P


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