Passover Preparations - The Planning Stage

I am starting my Passover preparations. Later than I would like but probably in a more organized fashion than usual so hopefully that will balance out.

I have cleaned out my kitchen cabinets and dining room breakfront of items that we don't use. Some will go to long term storage and some have been freecycled and some just tossed. Doing this has made space to store away some items that normally sit out but can't during Passover as well as given me a totally empty cabinet which once cleaned and covered with new shelf liner will hold my Passover dishes all year long.

This year we have a new plan for how to clean the house which starts with making the kitchen Pesadick first and then moving out. It is so totally different than anything I have ever done before that it is terrifying. There are many solid justifications for doing it this way namely - being able to start cooking and prepping for the Seder earlier. As well it lets one unpack all the passover items and see what is missing or damaged while there is still time to fix / replace items before the holiday. The great kitchen turn over is scheduled for next Sunday. Wish me luck.

Tomorrow we will make our yearly trek up to the Kosher market in Silver Spring to buy all of our non-perishable Passover foods.

My mom arrives on the 17th in time to hunt for chometz with us. I want to find a real feather but I also have 3 store bought ones as back up.


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