Menu Planning Monday
Frittatas are one of those changes. Eggs are less expensive than meat and still something Daddy is willing to eat. So we have frittata on the menu every other week minimum. I plan it for Family swim night because they are good hot or at room temperature and travel well which means we can eat it in the car if we need to.
Meatloaf is another one of those money expanders I am trying to include in the rotation more often. I use homemade bread crumbs and egg as filler to stretch the ground turkey in the meatloaf.
Sunday – Spaghetti with homemade sauce / salad
Monday – Family Swim Night / frittata
Tuesday – Girl Scout Training / Chuck E Cheese
Wednesday –Meatloaf / green Beans / roasted acorn squash
Thursday - leftovers
Friday – Shabbat – Conference – roast chicken stuffing steamed asparagus
Sat - Gone
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