Park Day

Our local homeschool group is pretty small and pretty eclectic. We don't do much as a group although that is changing. We have started taking hikes and some of the older girls have joined a Girl Scout troop together.

What we do that we all can count on is Park Day. Every Friday we meet at a local park and let the kidlets just run. We are a hardy bunch and continue park day deep into winter. It is a young group. For most of the families, the oldest child is six or seven which makes it the perfect group for Froggy. From birth until recently, most of Froggy's friends came from a mom's group I found when desperate for support. These friends are in preschool now and not available much. I am glad she has her Park Day friends who are becoming closer and closer. I like the time with the parents who share a common world view, parents I can trust to understand.


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