Menu Planning Monday

Even with the menu planning, I was starting to feel like we were in a dinner rut. Part of that is because I have been experimenting so much with breakfast I have been loathe to experiment anywhere else. Part of it is that experiments can mean costly mistakes. And with our focus on cutting back the food budget there is less room for costly mistakes.

Still this week I decided we need some change. I am trying two experiments, the festive President's day meal and an inexpensive vegetarian option in the Dipping Sticks.

Sunday - Shepards Pie - made with leftover mashed potatoes and pot roast
Monday - President's Day - Washington's Sweet and Sour Cherry Chicken with Lincoln Logs for Dessert
Tuesday - Class for Mom - Pasta with homemade sauce and salad for the others
Wednesday - Family Swim Night - Frittata and salad picnic
Thursday Dippin Sticks/ Keem / rice
Friday - Maple Sugar Salmon, Salad, Challah, Cocoa Walnut Crunch Cake (Death by Chocolate Cakes)


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