Works For Me Wednesday - Relay For Life

My mom taught me at a very early age the importance of community service and doing for others. Since Froggy's arrival I have not given back as much. Many of the activities I did before her arrival I could not do with her in tow.

And I admit it I got lost in my own life. And in caring for my mother. And it was caring for my mother that reminded me of what I needed to do. Relay for Life. Even Froggy can participate. I have seen families with ones much younger than her participating. And it is such an important cause.

Cancer is such a hard disease to fight. As a patient, as a care giver, we often feel so helpless. Here is a way for us not to be helpless. So for you local readers, please please consider joining our team. If you are not local consider forming your own team at your local Relay. If not you can help my team. Just help.

For other tips this week check out Rocks in My Dryer.


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