Menu Planning Monday - Selecting Recipes

Last week Orgjunkie threw out a challenge. How do you choose your recipes? Here is my top 10 ways of choosing a recipe.

My Top 5 List for Selecting New Recipes

  1. I start with the need I want to fill, vegetarian, leftover chicken, or breakfast.
  2. I look for recipes with simple, uncomplicated instructions.
  3. I look for recipes that use simple fresh ingredients as the focus. I don't like to use processed products.
  4. I prefer recipes that are already non-dairy although I have become more efficient at modifying recipes to suit my family.
  5. I pass on all pork recipes
As a bonus, I love it when a recipe comes to me from someone else that is recommending it. If a recipe meets my above criteria and is tried and true how can it possibly go wrong :)

The Menu

Monday - Baked Salmon, Peas, Rice - A real dinner after all the cold meals at the beach
Tuesday - Pasta with Homemade sauce and salad with greens from our garden
Wednesday - Picnic at the pool - Salmon burgers, carrot sticks, and fruit
Thursday - Frittata and Salad
Friday - Challah, Roast Chicken, Roasted Root Veggies, steamed boccoli,
Saturday - Dinner at Aunt Petal's


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