WFMW - Learning Through Literature

Some people call it story stretchers, unit studies, add-ons, tie-ins. What ever term you use, it rocks our socks. Basically it means using a story as a starting point for all your other studies. The key to principle is that the story is repeated multiple times. This works well for us since we read the weekly Torah portion every morning. For each Parsha/holiday, we try to a craft. We have done all of our phonics/reading and math practice around the Parshot.

This week we begin Five In A Row, which is a curriculum created around the concept of learning through literature. We chose to start with Madeline. Here are some of the activities we will do related to the story.

Monday Geography
Locate France on world map
Locate Paris on map of France
Show Seine river
Talk about river transport
Tuesday – LA – Vocabulary
Wednesday – Math
Grouping – use manipulatives - Madeline cutouts
Thursday – Art
Look at photos of Paris – try to match to the illustrations
Friday – Science
Healthy habits “Thank the Lord you are well”

So Learning through Literature really works for us. What works for you? To see what works for others check out We Are That Family


  1. I had thought of using 5 in a Row, but I can't imagine Shannon being willing to read the same story 5 times in a row AND do this every week.

    So I think we'll be doing unit studies of a sort.


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