WFMW - Thanksgiving Crafts

With preschoolers, learning about the holidays is a very hands on process. Reading stories is all well and good and gives an introduction but doing makes it come alive. I am strong believer in allowing children to participate in preparations for any event as much as possible both to ease the parent's burden and to help the child prepare and learn.

We are going to the grandparents for Thanksgiving which means there is no holiday shopping or cooking here with which a little one can help. We have also limited our decorating since we will be gone from before Thanksgiving until right before Hanukkah.

So instead we are making place cards and decorations to take to Grandma's. We will be making Apple Turkeys. Ours are somewhere between this and this. I like the marshmallow face but I like the construction paper tail better. We are putting the names right on the tail. Eyes are raisins and the nose is a candy corn.

For our first attempt I tried laminating real leaves which I thought would be super cool. It didn't really work since the seal on the laminating did not stick.

So we fell back to construction paper. We used a cookie cutter as our guide for the shape. I think they turned out nice.
Froggy thought eating the ones that did not work was the best part.


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