WFMW - Starfall and bribery

I am not a big proponent of screen time for little people. I think there are so many better ways that they can be better spending their time. That being said I love Starfall. It is the only reading program that Froggy has been interested in doing.

The catchy little songs let me remind her of what she has learned anytime she is trying to sound out a word. The fun graphics and animated tales keep her wanting to read. The calendar game is also where she finally got the days of the week down and ever so helpful in counting down special events.

Froggy knows how to read now. And practice is the most important part. But her perfectionist nature was keeping her from it. So we resorted to bribery. She earned a star for each "book" she read to us. At 10 stars she got the reward of being allowed to pick any book from the bookstore and take it home forever. I tried to get her to read me one of her BOB books because I knew there was no chance she would get stuck and I thought it would build her confidence. Nope she was having none of it.

It is all about Starfall. When I said she could read a Starfall story and it would count, we reached ten in very little time. Peg is her favorite because she gets to change the colors. But since each story only counted once, we ended up reading way beyond where I thought she was capable. Having earned her prize, she now goes back and reads the stories over and over again. Her attitude to reading to Mom and Dad has turned around completely.

So Starfall and (judicious) Bribery are what work for me. See what works for others at We Are That Family


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