A Morning At Home

We are on the go lots and lots. Some say we do "school on the go" rather than homeschooling. Still, I try really hard to keep one morning a week for being at home. The rhythms of week run smoother if Froggy has some down time at home. And I get to clean. I love having a neat, tidy house and this gets me it once a week even if just for a few minutes.

Some people clean one room each day or several times a week. Once a week is the best I can manage. I hate to clean but love things sparkly so this is a nice compromise for me. I spend the time between breakfast and lunch cleaning. It is a minimum of two hours and a maximum of four depending on how cooperative Froggy is.

Sometimes it is hard to get started but once I do finally get my act together and start I love doing it. And I just keep on going. There is always more cleaning than there is time for. I start with the essentials of what needs to be done, straightening, cleaning the floors (sweeping, vacuuming and washing) the stairs (which means washing the treads and all the woodwork around them. We have no entryway so my stairs get filthy quickly) and the kitchen. I do not do the bathrooms at this time. They are always done in a separate pass on Sunday. Once I have accomplished this, the real fun starts. With what ever time is left, I work on something big, like cleaning out the fridge, washing windows or some spring cleaning like task.

Each week that I do this I get to see an improvement in the house as a whole. I also seem to get a burst of productive energy that washes over the rest of my life as well. So this seems to work for me.

Happily linking to:
Works For Me Wednesday


  1. It is always hard to work in cleaning with little ones, but you are right that the consistency pays off. I think your cleaning schedule sounds like it works well for you.

  2. I like to clean the entire house on Mondays. It is always hard for me to do this. I often don't get done what I would like. I love not feeling the stress of cleaning every day since I did all of the weekly chores at one time. All I have to do is pick up after us through the week. I can get so much more done with the kids and with my business when I do this.


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