The Art Box - Making Colors

The Art Box is a new edition to the Landing. As part of our curriculum review, one of my hardest battles has been finding the right place for art, art theory and crafting. Froggy is in Occupational Therapy to help with her fine motor skills. Because using her hands is hard for her, it leads her to not like things that require it, like arts and crafts. But it is also very important for her development that she practice and do these things so I try to make it tempting.

Froggy asked "How do we get orange?" so I showed her. We made a very basic color wheel using her watercolors together investigating what happens when you change the amount of one color or the other.
Then Froggy went to town painting on her own. This was her very first experience with watercolors. She got to experience the difference between mixing the colors when both are wet and mixing the colors when the first color is already dry.

She then went on to detail her work with crayon.


  1. I didn't know that Froggy gets extra help for fine motor skills. It's great that she can develop them further through art and that she enjoyed watercolor paintings. We struggle with writing and arts here too - Anna just doesn't enjoy it as much as many other kids in blogosphere. At least she doesn't enjoy it at home - her teachers are saying that she loves art in school. I remember struggling with writing too, so it's probably somewhat genetic.


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