Garden Update - Memorial Day

As we get ready for Memorial Day and the unofficial start to summer, it is time to check in on the garden again. We had a lovely salad with lettuce from our garden for dinner last night.

We finally got to taste two strawberries from the garden. They were the most sour things I have ever had. I have no idea why. Most are still being eaten by some non-human. I hope whoever it is enjoys them but doubt from the half eaten ones.

The zucchini plant is flowering and looks wonderful. The acorn squash in the same planter is trailing down the deck. I just moved them over to this location in hopes of getting them some more sun. The two cucumber plants in the container are dinky and unlikely to produce.

It is lucky that I have cucumbers in the main bed that are doing better. I planted a total of six cucumber plants this year, two in each different location to test out how each location works. The full size tomatoes are huge and several green tomatoes plus more flowers. We may actually get a harvest large enough to use some in salsa. The two new grape tomatoes plants are growing and seem to be thriving but have no flowers yet.

The potatoes are growing beyond expectations. They should have had additional tires added already but I am out and having a bit of trouble acquiring more. I never expected them to get so high. I have no idea what I am going to do with all the dirt that is inside when we go to harvest.

I was pleased to see that the broccoli really did make more heads after we harvested the initial bunch. The flavor of the new ones was better but still not great.

Our bean pole lady still does not have a skirt but I counted 17 separate seedlings still trying to grow. There still remains time for her to develop a skirt. She has hair for the first time at least. I am still keeping my fingers crossed on the skirt.

We also decided that we do not like swiss chard and will not be planting it again


  1. Shh... I don't love Swiss Chard, but it makes an acceptable "green" ingredient, like a quiche filling, when sauteed with garlic and butter or olive oil. Though I guess the same could be said of just about any garden veg, right? ;-)))
    ~ Greetings from IComLeavWe (International Comment Leaving Week) #115


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