Menu Monday May 2-8

Last week's menu was lots of fun with many great new experiments. It was a real joy to be able to eat Lasagna again. The ricotta was strange but tasted fine. If I were to use that particular recipe again (which I may very well) I would make a double batch since my main complaint was that it was not cheesy enough. Everyone ate lots at dinner and Hiranu took bunches to work for lunch. Next time I make it though I want to try this recipe instead. I even found a great source for vegetarian rennet thanks to Magpie Ima.

The Pasta of the Grape was a neat experience to make. The concept is pasta sauce out of grapes rather than tomatoes. It was fun smashing up the grapes. Everything smelled wonderful as the sauce reduced. Unfortunately, the taste was not one that sat well with us. It was too sweet for a pasta entree. Hiranu said it smelled and tasted like it should have been ice cream. Mind you there is no sugar in the sauce at all. It was the spices that gave it its sweetness.

Sunday - Tofu Stir Fry, rice, keem (we never got to this last week)
Monday - Class for mom - Pasta with homemade sauce and salad
Tuesday - grilled chicken, baby potatoes and green beans
Wednesday - Family swim night picnic - Tuna fish, crackers, veggie sticks, apple slices
Thursday - tacos, rice, black beans and salad.
Friday - Challah, Apricot Roast Chicken, broccoli, roasted new potatoes, Chocolate Strawberry Shortcakes
Saturday - leftovers


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