What We Are Reading

So I am a little late this week. I have an excuse. We have had the grandparents in for a whirlwind visit. It has been tons of fun sorting clothes and cooking and swapping stories. But it does mean that I have done much less reading to Froggy as well as listening to Froggy read as Grandma fills the role instead.

Froggy is fascinated with Magic Treehouse right now. We currently have 7 different ones checked out from the library because the 3 I checked out last week did not last. She takes them to bed with her, in the car, everywhere. She rereads them and then still chooses them for us to read to her at bedtime. The best part of having an independent reader is snuggling and still getting to do my own reading.

We also did lots of other reading this week. Both our science and art studies involvedsome fantastic books that we came back to again and again after "study time" was over. I am cherishing this reading together time as it dwindles away. Froggy much prefers to read to herself now and loves to come and share what happened in the stories after she reads them.

Come join the reading blog hop over at ReadAloud Thursday ,Feed Me Books Friday and Mouse Grows Mouse Learns,


  1. Thanks for joining WMCIR. I am glad that Anna is still enthusiastic about reading together, since I really like to read to her. More and more often she insists to read to me, but she doesn't even notice that she is not reading aloud. We have some time about it. We did return to MTH books this week - I randomly pulled a book about India for our geography week, and it went over way better than Mummies book.


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