What We Are Reading

This has been a fun week of reading.  Besides lots of Egypt reading, we have been continuing our American Girl adventures with Samantha and did more holiday reading. 

We also found time to let Froggy explore and choose her own books.  One book she seems to be coming back to again and again is her Bible Stories.  We have the second book which covers Joshua to Queen Esther.  Froggy chose it from the synagogue library. While this book specifically labels itself for children the stories are accurate to the originals, complete with all the violence, gore and questionable content.  Luckily this book is still a read-together for the most part so I am able to offer explanation and commentary as she studies the stories.  I love that she wants that she is learning these stories I think I would have preferred either that it wait till she was a bit older or that she chose a less authentic telling as the introduction.
The other book that has come out of the basket over and over this week is Creature of the Night.  Froggy is reading this one herself and it has taken several trips in the car making for some wonderful conversations as she suddenly feels compelled to share the latest tidbit of information she has gleaned from the readings.  While walking to the car after Erev Sukkot services, Froggy declared that the owls were going to get her.  We explained that she was safe and talked about what exactly the owls do eat and how big they are versus how big she is.  She is still expressing some stress about owls but I think she is processing versus truly scared at this point.

Come join the reading blog hop over at ReadAloud Thursday ,Feed Me Books Friday and Mouse Grows Mouse Learns,


  1. Thanks for joining WMCIR! The books you selected to share look very interesting. I have to admit that Old Testament stories can be scary for kids - I read some with Anna, and she was scared by them. Now I am looking for better "spins" that still talk about the same story, but not as "direct" as the Bible itself.

  2. I just checked--Creatures of the Night is at our library. My 4-year-old has been reading a somewhat similar series that's out of print. I'm hoping he'll like this one.

    He also got out One-Minute Bible Stories Old Testament from our synagogue library, and he and his brother seem to like it so far--I haven't read it yet.

  3. My kids have been enjoying books about nocturnal animals this week, too. They are especially interested in bats.

  4. I know what you mean about Bible stories. Our Children's Bible that we're currently reading includes many, many OT stories that often take me by surprise since I haven't read them in a while or don't expect them to be in this version, etc.

    That nocturnal animals book looks really neat!

    Thanks for linking up to Read Aloud Thursday!


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