In the Ocean

Every year we go to the beach.  It has been a fun time seeing the change in how Froggy approaches the ocean from year to year.  At first she would not touch the water, then she played at the shore and ran when the water touched her toes.  Last year she was brave enough to play games with the surf but still not comfortable coming out past the breakers with the grownups.

This year she was just a bundle of adventure.  Each day brought more adventure and new experiences.  She rode a boogie board.  She jumped the waves with the grownups even asking Daddy for "phtat waves" (ie ones that make you go "phtat" afterwards because the wave washed over you).  We played "Foam Fighters" where she attacked the foam left behind from the breakers.

She even made friends with an older boy and tried holding her own against the waves as they crashed into her.  She got knocked down several times and came up sputtering but smiling.  Every time he talked her into going out further, my heart cringed as I feared for her.  But I let her go and watched (from a sprinters crouch poised to rescue).  She was so brave and daring and as a result had tons and tons of fun.


  1. I bet this was a great time. Our family enjoys the beach. Thanks for linking to the Summertime Fun Party. Always nice to see your posts!


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