Our walks

Froggy, Sebastian (our puppy) and I have been exploring the trail system behind our house.  The trail system is so extensive and so varied I forsee tons of nature study without us ever needing to travel.
There is a stepping stone bridge at one point across the river.  Froggy and I took it one day as part of our exploring.  Two days later Daddy came with us on a different approach. He commented how high the river looked.  When we got to the stepping stones  and they were covered by 2 inches of water. Froggy and I checked each day from then out waiting for them to be passable again.  Two days later, the tops of the stones were clear but Froggy could not reach the first stone.  The next day, the water was low enough that 2 inches of stones showed and the first stone was approachable.  
 This is a field of Froggy's favorite flowers, black-eyed Susans.  She picked several on the previous hike

These are two of the others wildflowers we see on our walks regularly.  We are working on identifying these currently. 
And the Cattails against the just changing trees are my favorite.  


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