
One of our fall family traditions is the RennFaire.  With no religious school due to the Columbus Day Weekend, we were able to go out early and spend the whole day. 
We all got dressed up in our garb.  Froggy's still needs some more tailoring but she would not hold still for it this week.
The Daddyman went straight to the tavern to listen to the concerts.  Froggy and I toured the shops and visited the children's play area.  

We joined Daddyman in the tavern for some of the more child-friendly music.  Froggy danced and sang and had a blast. 

At one point she caught sight of the rock wall and it captured her attention.  She has never expressed any interest in it before.  We watched the people climb for about 15 minutes while I answered all her questions about how it worked and why they did this or that or the other. Then she decided she wanted to try it.  She was so excited she vibrated.  She made friends with the other girls in line as she waited.  When it was her turn she went right to the gentleman following his directions perfectly.  She did not make it far up the wall and was not willing to try a second time once she slipped but she and I were both very proud of her first attempt.  
We returned to the tavern for the closing performance of the day.  All the performers come together for the final show.

 A full day at faire is fun but exhausting.


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