Purim Planning

Due to illness and other chaos, I did a crummy job making Tu B'Shevat fun for the kids.  I need to be organized to ensure I get Purim done right.
Here is a video to get you in the mood

Eric Reads "The Story of Esther." from Eric Kimmel on Vimeo.
Froggy said she wants to be Queen Esther again.  She is totally in charge of her costume this year.  The only rule is that she has to pull it together and show it to me within one week.  No one else is even close to an idea.

Froggy is going to make a Megillah with paper towel rolls.

Everyone is going to make groggers.

I am working on our Mishlach Manot recipient list.  The baskets will contain Hamentashen ofcourse as well as Purim chocolates, clementines and spiced nuts.  I am not sure what we are going to use for containers yet.


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