Independence Day

Normally we go to the Grandparents for the 4th.  Unfortunately, with Abba having just started a new job traveling during the week was not an option.  So we found some fun things to do locally.

Despite record high temps,we attended the local parade which was truly impressive. 
 Abba entertained the children with bubbles before the parade started.
 How can you turn down a parade with a floating Uncle Sam hat?
 And a Liberty Bell
And Very Hungry Catapiller
 There were also lots of good bands
And even a few groups of bagpipes

For the first time ever, we left a parade before it ended.  It was just too hot to be out any longer.  We spent the afternoon at my sister's pool and then headed over to the local high school for Fireworks.  The set up at the high school was amazing with bounce houses for the kids to jump in before hand and bands playing to keep the adults amused. Unfortunately technical issues halted the fireworks shortly after they started so the show itself was something of a disappointment.


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