Menu Planning Monday - Pesach

Tonight is the first seder.  We are hosting a few friends for a relatively small seder.  Froggy will be the only child present.

1st Seder - Veggies and guacamole, hard boiled eggs, gefilte fish loaf, Matza ball soup, brisket, glazed carrots, roasted asparagus, potato kugel (from a mix), store bought dessert.
2nd Seder - we are guests.  I am bringing this charoset, quinoa pilaf and a store bought dessert 
Wednesday -lamb chops, mashed potatoes and salad
Thursday - Oven Fried Chicken,  French fried potatoes, Broccoli
Shabbat - Matza, Gefilte Fish Loaf, more matza ball soup, Apricot Chicken, Carrot and Raisin Salad, Butternut Squash with Baby Spinach, Store Bought Dessert. 


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