Looking Ahead

This weekend Froggy and I get to go to the wonderful Jewish Homeschool Conference.  They are even going to have vendors this year.

I have some things I have been thinking about using for our Limudi Chodesh subjects such as this or maybe something from here.  But I am waiting to see what the convention has to offer.

There is no reason to wait though for our secular subjects.  We are very pleased with Ambleside Online and booklist for Year 3 to see what I needed to order.  It turns out there really are not any.  One of the great things about the Ambleside booklist is that we can read many of the books online.  Those that we cannot are often for history and used for several years. 
Froggy will begin Year 3 in the Fall.  To that end, I finally got around to looking at the

I do need to decide what we are going to do about Marco Polo.  His travels are supposed to form the basis of our geography studies for Year 3.  Usually my decisions are very easy since the wonderful advisory board at Ambleside has already found the best books on each topic.  But they acknowledge that they have not found anything good for Marco Polo and leave the decision to each family. 


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