Camp Shabbat

WOW!!! We had the best Shabbat ever this week.  We attend "Camp Shabbat"  at a local National Park.

A few families from a nearby synagogue organized this Shabbaton.  They reserved a block of cabins with a kitchen and dining hall.  They catered Shabbos dinner and planned/prepared all the meals and activities for weekend in a manner that families who are shomer Shabbos could attend even though they themselves were not. 

I heard about it through a listserve.  Even though there was very little information in the announcements, I decided to give it a try.  We went down expecting not to know anyone but to make new friends.  It turns out we knew several of the families in attendance.  We got to spend time really talking and playing with these families as well as meeting lots of new friends. 

Other than a big hike that almost everyone went on and of course the big havdalah bonfire, there was very little in the way of organized activities.  The big kids formed roving bands and just went off and played and made their own fun.  I am not really sure what Froggy did most of the afternoon but I know she had fun. 

I love camping and even more so on Shabbat.  To me being that close to HaShem glorious creations while thanking him for all the work of creation is special.  But it is really hard to camp on Shabbat and we frequently arrange our trips so we don't have to deal with that.  This was the perfect way to meet all those desires.

We are so back next year!


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