
Hannukah is coming soon.  Yes everyone around is talking about Thanksgivukkah but I am not mixing the two anymore than circumstances dictate.  We are not putting out lots of Thanksgiving decorations like we normally do.  Instead we are surplanting those with our Hannukah decorations and preparing for our Hanukkah party. 

Playing on Pinterest, I found this lovely recipe I am thinking of serving as a "grownup" beverage

We are making these this week to give to Froggy's teachers and other special people in her life.  I am not sure we are going to go with traditional cocoa or fill it with this instead.

I want to make these just because they sound so yummy.  But I cannot think of a way to make them and change it to fit Hanukkah. 

This post was written and posted motzi Shabbos.


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