
Each term, we choose a person from our focus time period to study further.  Froggy loves delving further into one of people in our history books.  She feels it really brings them to life. 

One of our favorite biographical author is Diane Stanley.  Right now we are reading, The Good Queen Bess.  We have also read Joan of Arc and MichelangeloLater this year we will also read The Bard of  Avon. 

We have read biographies by other authors and they just do not have the long term impact as Ms. Stanley's books.  I believe the key to the enjoyment of these books is the glorious illustrations.  They make the story more alive and captivating.  But beautiful illustrations would not compensate for a poor story.  These books have both.  I strongly recommend these books over other biographies whenever possible.  My only complaint is that there are too few to choose from.


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