Menu Planning Monday - Mishlach Manos
Sunday - Pot luck lunch at a friend's house. We are bringing a vegetable tray. Leftovers will be stir fry for dinner.
Monday - Family swim night - Picnic of sandwiches, fruit, carrot sticks and cookies
Tuesday - Pasta, homemade sauce, salad - make hamentashen dough
Wednesday - chili and corn bread - deliver meal to new mom - pot pie/salad/melted icecream cake - bake hamentashen (first batch at least)
Thursday - Leftover buffet
Friday - Roast Chicken, Baked potatoes, steamed broccoli, brownies
Saturday -
I also think we have finally got a handle on breakfast. Here is the menu
Scrambled eggs
Oatmeal (plain regular long cooked oatmeal - the only kind my Froggy will eat)
French toast
bagel with cream cheese or peanut butter
Baked oatmeal
For more menu planning tips check out
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