Shavuot and Ruth

I never celebrated Shavuot before Froggy. My first exposure to it and the traditions surrounding it was at Chabad when Froggy was 2. I cannot answer why. It just was not included in my education. I am learning much about Judaism as I teach Froggy.

Shavuot is one of only a few holidays specifically commanded in Tanach. It is a pilgrimage festival that also celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. Some of the traditional celebrations for Shavuot include eating dairy foods and reading the Megillah of Ruth. Shavuot is also the traditional time for confirmations. We attended the confirmation service at our shul on Erev Shavuot. It was interesting listening to each confirment speak as to "Why I am a Jew?

This is the first year we have read the story of Ruth with Froggy. This is the first time I have read it as an adult. We did not study it per se just read it. I suspect conversations about it will come up over time as she digests it. The story is special to Froggy because Hiranu is a Jew by choice just like Ruth.


  1. My dh is also a JBC and yes, I think that does make the story special. Plus, dd's name is Naomi. We never did Shavuos when I was growing up - I'd barely heard of it. It was partly Shavuos that made my mother first start to become more observant. She was doing some business in a religious neighbourhood and saw everybody walking to and from shul... and had no clue what was going on. I think that partly shamed her and partly made her want to be on the other side of the fence, enjoying a beautiful day with shul, friends, family.
    Is confirmation for kids or adults?


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