Lions Roar!

The second animal in our zoo series is Lions. (For those who missed it, our first was elephants) The National Zoo recently had two different sets of lion cubs.  They are not yet on exhibit but the public can still get a glimpse of them via webcam

We pulled out again on of our favorite picture books, Would They Love A Lion.  In the book, the little girl spends the day imagination and acting out being all kinds of different animals.  We first discovered this story when Froggy was not yet two and we still love it. Froggy will occasionally try being other animals but always comes back to the lion.
I tried something a bit different this time with the drawing.  I took the instructions from the book and put them step by step on Froggy's drawing paper so the copying was closer.  She did the entire lion all by herself.   Looking at the shapes and analyzing how they work together to form the overall picture is a neat process in Froggy's brain.

We also made a paper plate lion.  Froggy lost interest in finishing the lacing (she has never enjoyed lacing) but it was fun to paint and work on the lacing together for even a bit.


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