Youth Ambassador

Our family volunteers extensively with the Children's Science Center.  This endeavor holds a special place in our hearts.  These are the people who provide the Mobile Science Nights I have talked about before.  

Today, Froggy was able to participate officially for the first time.  She was a Youth Ambassador for the Founders Society Fundraising Event.  She greeted the guests as they arrived and then pass out the presents during the reception.  I was so proud of her.  She bounced all week in preparation.  She does not look like a little girl anymore particularly when she gets dressed up for events like this. 

I was so proud of her.  She was so mature and responsible.  She used polite manners and actually talked to strangers in an audible voice while greeting them. 

My only regret is that I did not take any pictures.  I am hoping the CSC posts some so I can share them as well.


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