WFMW - Book Review

Book review work for me. I love exploring new books. There is no way I could complete the 999 Literary Challenge without exploring new books. But how do you know if a book is any good. The best way for me is a book review. I hunt down book reivews all the time. In all different catagories. There is a blog carnival that I regularly participate in and read that is book reviews for all age levels and types of books. As well, I host Friday Finds here.

Friday Finds is a more casual, laid back place to share your reviews. You can leave them in a comment. Or better yet post in your blog and place your link in the Mr. Linky at the end of each Friday's Find similar to WFMW that Shannon has been kind enough to host. So come back on Friday and share your review. This week I will have a contest as well as a review.


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