First Day of School

We "officially" start our new school year with Rosh HaShana.  But since we obviously can't do our "first day" pictures or any school stuff that day it a soft start to the year.  This year it was apparently an even softer start since during Chol Hamoed, Froggy was still referring to herself and her friends as rising third graders.  
After all, the chagim came the celebrated First Day of School when Froggy started back at Religious School. (Granted that was almost 2 weeks agon now, and I am behind in my posting) Froggy put on a show hamming it up for the camera.  She loves Religious school and is very proud this year to be working on Anim Zemirot with her Tefillah chavruta.  It is neat for her to see other kids learning the same stuff we are working on at home. 

Here is a rough outline of our learning this year. 

Limudei Kodesh
Davening - This year in Religious School, the students receive their own grown up Shabbat siddur.I am working on selecting a new weekday siddur for Froggy to use as well.  While we love our ArtScroll Children's Siddur, it is probably time to graduate to a big kid version.
Parsha - This year we are using my Chumash for our Parsha study and focusing on the pshat of the the text. 
Chumash - still in Lech Lecha but planning the siium for when we finally finish.
Tefillah - Anim Zemirot and the brachot achrona including Birkat Hamazon

Limudei Kol
We are in Year 3 of Ambleside Online There was some schedule change or something in one of the files I downloaded last year which ended up with us reading the Year 3 science book as well as the Year 2. So we are also doing Anatomy.  And we have also started cursive this year.

Archery - although formal archery practice goes on hiatus for the winter due to the early darkness.
Parkour - Froggy is absolutely loving it and gaining so much strength, agility and endurance. 
4-H - this serves as our nature study/ prompt for green time rest break in the week.
Girl Scouts - we love our troop. This year I thin much of the focus will be on "Acts of Lovingkindness" and it will help the girls to see how fun and easy it is to help others.


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