
Showing posts from May, 2015

When does no mean never?

It is so hard sometimes to know the right path, to open your heart and hear the divine message.  How do you know if the horrible suffering you are experiencing is a test you need to push through or a sign you are headed down the wrong path? It is really really hard to be told no over and over and over again while other people are being told yes all around you and not believe NO is your only option. When is it time to pack up and go away?


I made my first ever attempt at pickles. We were given a bunch of carrots that I am experimenting with. The first batch was a sweet recipe from Well Preserved and the second batch is a rosemary garlic variety from the same book.  The third batch is a very traditional recipe I found here .  We have only tasted the first kind as the others still need to sit and develop a bit.  We are going to do a taste test at Shabbos dinner this week.

Parenting Musings

During my morning contemplations, I was struck with the differences in how I parent the visiting children who come into our lives versus how I treated Froggy at the same age. These thoughts did not sit well For a variety of reasons, legal requirements foremost among them, these young visitors are tucked into bed, kissed goodnight and then left; left to their dreams, good or bad, left to their unknown thoughts and feelings, left at time when not leaving is a sign of trust. These visitors were never abandoned but I am not sure they knew that, believed that deep in their hearts.  I do know that I tried to make that clear but that does not mean I succeeded. With Froggy I always made sure it was clear and never left any room for doubt.

Biking Adventures

This summer marks a mighty change.  Last year we pushed hard to enable Froggy to make a decent length bike ride.   But it was still a challenge rather than a fun activity.  This year, she rode a whopping 4.5 miles without any serious struggle. Each week we are taking a bike ride ranging from 2-6 miles typically with a stop at a midpoint destination but sometimes it is just a fun circle.