Fridays Find - Yoga

This week is Book Giveaway Week in the blogosphere and coincidentally Barefoot Books just announced a free product giveaway. All my loyal readers know how much I love Barefoot books so clearly these became my Friday Finds

Living Barefoot Free Yoga Planet Banner 468x60 U.S.

Yoga Planet is a new addition from Barefoot. It is similar in concept to Yoga Pretzels but takes the concept farther. Instead of just yoga poses, it also adds relaxation tips for children and cards to help the whole family live more ecologically.

But neither of those are really books. The book that started it all is My Daddy is a Pretzel. It is a favorite in our household. Before acquiring this book, we had never done yoga or even considered it. Now Froggy pulls it out and asks to do yoga. So much so that later today we will take our first Mommy and Me Yoga class at the local Arts Center. Unlike most exercise books, the is a story here. You can read the book snuggled on the sofa and never move. The setting is a classroom where each child tells about their parents. Each yoga pose is related to a task or job the parent does.

"Niki says her mommy is a gardener. Sometimes my daddy's a tree."

The images are fun and captivating. Even a pre-reader can pick up this text and start learning. Yet it can also be a story enjoyed alone The best combination of everything

It is your turn now. Share your finds - be it for yoga, exercise or any other guide.


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