Friday Finds - Winnie The Pooh

This week's Friday Find is a classic. We are reading it both at home as well as listening to it as an audio book in the car. We have read short stories about Pooh Bear to Froggy every since she was born. Reading the stories in their original form the way they were meant to be told is so much more satisfying. For over 70 years readers have been reading and enjoying these stories. Why change them for children now? They were written for children in their original form. One does not have to wait until children are school aged to share quality literature with them. However it is important to pick the right story for the child. We had tried other of my favorite classics and they were not as well received as Pooh Bear. It may be that we need to set the stage properly.

Please join us next week for some Passover Finds.


  1. My 2 (aged 6 and 8) also love pooh, even as they get older. My 8 year old boy keeps his copy of Winnie the Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner in his room and reads them when he needs a comfort read. They are like an old stuffed animal to cuddle with. I am so glad he has discovered that books have the power to do that!


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