Menu Planning Monday - Chag Samach

This week's menu will feature leftovers from our holiday party. We made a huge turkey for the event. It was not the best I have done but it was well received.

Sunday - dinner out after the shul Hanukkah party
Monday - Babysitter tonight. It will be a simple early dinner that the sitter can take over if er run late. Pasta, homemade sauce, and salad
Tuesday- Meeting tonight for me - Turkey Noodle Soup and biscuits
Wednesday- The first quiet night at home this week. We will do a simple meal of latkes, veggie sticks and leftover turkey.
Thursday - dinner out
Friday - Shabbat and the last night of Hanukkah- Challah, brisket, latkes, broccoli, and menorah cupcake dessert.
Saturday - homemade pizza


  1. How do you make your menorah cupcake dessert?

  2. The cupcake menorah is easy. make 10 cupcakes. Glue two topsides together with frosting. This makes the shamesh. Arrange all on a platter. Light as usual. They will burn during dinner and be ready to eat for dessert.


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