Garden Update

We ate greens from our garden with dinner last night. The spinach, lettuce and arugula are all harvestable. Yippee

We finally got the cucumber,zucchini and acorn squash in. I will probably put in some more cucumbers as well in a different location.

Our bean pole lady's skirt is still not happy. We have about a 6-10 sprouts which look lackluster. We will plant some more seeds this week to see if can boost her up.

Our strawberries are developing some color

Our potato plants are up over the top. I wonder how much longer before they are ready for the next tire

Look a baby tomato

There are baby brocolli on all four plants. Unfortunately there are almost all the leaves on ths one have been eaten by something.


  1. Cool...we didn't have such good luck with broccoli last year...just a little grew and it tasted really bitter...hope you have better luck with that. It looks like a wonderful garden!


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