Menu Planning Monday

We made a huge turkey for Erev Yom Kippur and this week is spent trying to use up the leftovers.

Sunday - Leftovers
Monday - Turkey noodle soup/ fresh bread/ carrot sticks / fruit
Tuesday - I am spending the morning baking at Shul so dinner needs to be simple Turkey Stirfry Rice Keem
Wednesday - Welcome Sukkot - Challah, Pumpkin soup, Stuffed peppers, maple salmon, green beans, apple crisp
Thursday - Pasta with homemade sauce, green salad, garlic bread
Friday - Challah, Maple Chicken with sweet potatoes, broccoli, something chocolate for dessert
Saturday - Shabbat Luncheon at shul. Motzi Shabbat at home - gefilte fish, cucumber salad, deli sandwiches


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