George Washington Carver

Apparently we are on a biography kick at the Landing.  Froggy keeps picking biographies at the library and really enjoys exploring a new person or two each week. 

This week we got to meet George Washington Carver.  Froggy and I both learned a great deal. We got In The Garden With Dr. Carver. The book tells a bit about Dr. Carver's life and mission from the perspective of a young girl whose life and town he changed.  He taught the town how to improve the soil and how to use the crops they can grow into the foods they need to eat. 

The book made for some interesting conversations.  Froggy asked about "greedy" plants because the book refers to cotton as a greedy plant using up the nutrients. I explained that Dr. Carver taught the tenement farmers to use compost and hummus in their gardens just like we have a compost pile to help our garden grow.  We examined the items that we put in our compost pile and compared them to what Dr. Carver taught the farmers to put in their compost pile.  Froggy was impressed with how similar they were.

We also marked Tuskegee, Alabama on our map since Dr Carver was "...the famous plant scientist from the big school in Tuskegee".  We also read parts of his biography and marked some of his important dates in our book of centuries.  I showed Froggy this picture of the Jesup Wagon that Dr. Carver brings to the girl in the book.

Come and share your adventures in time and space at History/Geography Exchange at Children Grow, Children Explore, Children Learn. 


  1. I just posted about our lesson on Booker T. Washington. So that's funny that I just read your post because I was thinking about GWC (how they crossed paths and wondering about what there is to see in Tuskegee since we live in driving distance to Alabama).

  2. It is so fun when our children find something they are interested in. They learn so much when it is something they choose. That book sounds so interesting. Thank you for linking up this week.


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