Tikkun Olam

I wanted to share a couple of projects we have been working on this year.  It has been hard to find opportunities with in the community that allow young people to participate in a meaningful fashion.
A friend of ours shared with us what she does and it is easy yet so personal that we immediately put it into effect.  We make "comfort bag" for the homeless and keep couple in the car so they are available whenever we see someone in need.
First Froggy decorates the bags (plain lunch bags)
Then we fill them with some comfort items. The contents have grown slightly since we started. If you have any suggestions of what we should add we would love to hear them.It has brought much joy to our lives to have these available when needed

 The other way we help is through a large community project, S.OM.E(So Others May Eat).  We bake tuna casseroles which are collected once a month at our Shul.  It was a great lesson in cooking as well as helping others.  I poured all the ingredients into the dish and Froggy mixed it up. Then she helped me deliver it to Shul


  1. Those comfort bags are great! My mother gives granola or powerbars to people and water bottles if she has them, and I have always wanted to get organized and have a few on hand just in case... maybe this is a good time to get started.

    For wintertime, you might want to add a pair of those cheap handwarmer things if they're not expensive. The teabag thingies - do they have them down there?

    The tuna casserole looks delicious, too! We don't have kosher cream of mushroom soup here, so we are casserole deprived for sure. :-(


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