Menu Planning Monday - Pesach

I have to say I am really enjoying having guests over for Shabbat.  It gives lots of great opportunity to try out new recipes and excuses to serve more courses.  The big wins from the is past Shabbat were the Honey Roasted Potatoes (which will be making a reappearance for the second Shabbat of Pesach) and the Spring cake.

This week the menu is pretty sparse since it mostly consists of finishing up leftovers as we turn the house over for Pesach.
Sunday - Tofu StirFry and rice
Monday - Salad, Pasta and Sauce, Garlic Bread
Tuesday - Lentil Soup and Biscuits
Wednesday - Dinner Out
Thursday - A picnic dinner of odds and ends on the patio.  We will use paper goods. 
First Seder -
  • Veggie sticks with some form of dip (I am still working on the dip.  No one here likes babaganoush and all the ones we like are not KLP)
  • Hard Boiled Eggs
  • Gefilte Fish
  • Matza Ball Soup
  • Brisket
  • Glazed Carrots
  • Roasted Asparagus
  • Kugel (I think we will use this one but still waffling)
  • Purchased Desserts


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