An Olympic Farewell

Our Learning Club is over for the year.  To say goodbye, we had a mock Olympics for the children.  Since we had just finished studying Ancient Greece this seemed like the perfect theme for the party.
The children started off with a coloring activity introducing the Olympic rings and their meaning.
Or Just the rings for the younger set
Then they took turns trying to find Eygpt and Greece on the globe.
And listend to a story about good sportmanship
The first game was a Torch Pass ala Hot Potato
Then a team based jumping game pairing a big kid and little kid where they really had to focus on cooperation.
Then it was supposed to be a standing long jump but turned into a bunny raise for the littler ones
And a three legged race. 
Froggy and her partner did not fall down even once.
And the final game was the Shotput ala beanbag toss.
We finished with the presentation of medals.  Every child got at least one medal.  But they really were awarded based on the results for the most part.  The gold medal was a piece of gelt on a string while the silver medal was a York Peppermint patty done the same. 

I am continually amazed at the creative of our Learning Club organizer.  How she pulled this off with all the other stuff she does amazes me.  Everything flowed so smoothly and the kids had an absolute blast.  They were competitive while still working together and supporting one another.  I will miss Learning Club. 


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