Outdoor Time

Charlotte Mason recommends at least six hours of outdoor time during the developing years- ie at least lower Elementary Years.  During the Winter, we struggle to get an hour a day.  But as the nice weather resumes we spend more and more time outdoors.  

People have asked how do you spend that many hours outdoors and still get anything done. Many days we will take school and food outside and alternate lessons with playing.  Then Froggy will often go back outside in the late afternoon once her school friends come home and play until supper time.  It makes supper preparations very  easy since I can watch the children playing in the front yard while I cook.  Sometimes she will even go back outside for a bit after supper even though her friends cannot join her. 

And once Summer is fully here, we spend more and more days outside from sun up to sun set.  Our meals reflect it as well.  We eat lots of salads and picnics and live out of the cooler.  Between swim team and beach trips and family outings to the water park, there is so much to do outside that only bad weather pushes us indoors.


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