Torah Home Education Conference

On Sunday, I attend the Torah Home Education Conference.  It was amazing.  This was the 4th annual conference and it was about twice as big as last year.  There were families from all over the continent.  The prize for the farthest travel went to a mom from Victoria BC. 

The speakers were amazing.  The opening session was inspiring reminding us as parents not to give in to peer pressure but to make the choices that are best for each precious child given into our care.  Unfortunately in many Orthodox communities, homeschooling families have to fight external pressures long and hard so these comments were well appreciated.

There were several parallel sessions which is both a wonderful and sad thing.  It is great that the conference was large enough to support simultaneous sessions and allow more varied topics.  It is sad because it meant that I did not get to hear all the speakers.  Thank goodness the sessions are available via MP3 so I can listen to the ones I missed later.

There were vendors for the first time this year which was really nice.  It was fantastic to see the books in person, to be able to flip through them and ask questions to a knowledgeable person.


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