Week in Review

It has been a fun exciting week.  In lots of way it felt like the end of school year.  We did our year end testing and gymnastic has ended.  We did lots of partying this week.

We went Strawberry Picking.  It was a cold overcast day but we had fun none the less. We got tons of really nice berries which is surprising since it was not even May yet.  And we made strawberry jam.   This is my last attempt at stawberry jam.  It never turns out right for me.  We use dthe last of our picked strawberries for Shabbos dessert,  a Strawberry-Lemon Parfait.

And then to end the week, Abba and Froggy along with my niece began the summer season with a trip to the Amusement park.  Froggy really liked the new dinosaur play area where she got to dig for dinosaur bones.  I spent the day at home cooking and cleaning and sewing.  While a small part of me missed seeing Froggy's joy at the trip, I really needed and enjoyed the quiet day at home.

This week was strange also in that Froggy and I spent a great deal of time apart.  Any number of weeks, she will have one block of time in addition to her classes when I am not her grown up in charge.  This week she had three days I was not with her for at least half the day.  It is yet another sign of her growing up  and maturing.  We did lots of cuddling during the time we were together.


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