Orin Ben Aria UMichael Ilana

Yesterday we named our son.  To my horrific dismay, he received his name at a horrible sad funeral rather than at glorious happy bris. We each wrote him a letter saying goodbye.  I tried to read mine to him but Abba had to do it for me like he has been doing so much for during this time.  Abba laid him to rest in the ground and Froggy placed his teddy bear beside him.  We covered him and said Kaddish.  It was the hardest day of my entire life. This should be one of the happiest times.  Instead it is the worst. 

All through the pregnancy, we knew there were good odds of having challenges to face at his birth. I kept telling everyone who expressed concerned that nothing matter and we would handle whatever challenges presented themselves when he was born because it did not matter we were just so happy to have him. 

It never occured to me that the challenge I would have to face was not having him to hold.


  1. I am so sorry. Froggy's brother, your son, he will be missed. He will be remembered. He is mourned.

    You all are loved.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss :( No one should have to bury their child.

  3. Thinking of you and of Orin. You all are held in my heart and prayers.

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. May you and your family find comfort and the memory of Orin should be a blessing to you all.


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