Meet The Artist - Van Gogh

Around Thanksgiving, we purchased several tracks of Meet The Artists.  There was a special through the Homeschool Buyers Coop. 

Our first artist is Vincent Van Gogh.  The introductory lesson portion is entirely online.  Froggy and I went through it together today.  I learned as much about how to teach the lessons as she did about Van Gogh and his painting styles.  We closely examined several of his paintings including Self-Portrait, Sunflowers, Starry Night, Peach Trees in Bloom.  The theme of the lesson was texture and each painting was chosen to highlight some mechanism of showing texture.  Froggy had some issue with the Peach Trees in Bloom.  She vehemently disagreed with the description of the texture provided in the lesson.

Part two of the lesson was two worksheets which help the student investigate how to create different textures.  We had some technical difficulties with the printer which delayed this segment.  When I finally got them printed Froggy just about burst with excitement at the opportunity to do them. 
 The final part of the assignment was to create your own "Starry Night".  Froggy did not want to follow the process laid out in the text but she still wanted ot make her own version.


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